Ari’s Crazy Life

By Machenzie, Anthony, Symone, Nijeer, Faith, Chloe, Nevah, Brownlee, Austin Town Hall Park

One day Ariana Grande was on tour in Alabama. She was going to New York next, while she was there, she met a unicorn named Bella Que Pasa. They decided to go to Target to get fruit, Starbucks, and to look for boyfriends. While in line at Starbucks, a big, stinky, blehhh troll came up and took Ariana’s purse. Bella Que Pasa said “Ahh! Why did you take the purse?” Ariana Grande started singing “thank you, next” and ran after the troll and got her purse back and bought her and Bella Que Pasa Hubba Bubba, material girl pink drinks, and they lived happily ever after.  The End.