Category: Holidays

Holiday themed stories.

The Time I Pooped on the Floor

By Anonymous, 4th Grade, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy

One day when I was three or four i was going somewhere. But i needed to go to the bathroom. But we were already leaving so i had a choice. Either to go to the bathroom and they wait or poop on the floor. I picked to poop on the floor but that i was taking so long my mom went to grave be. And then she saw the poop. And she had to clean and she was mad

Duck Sili

By Isael, 2nd Grade, Graves Elementary

De Duck whas so sili sosososososo sili. Then he never stop Bin sili an her mom sed stop and Duli stop den duli fil to never stop den wen duli went to wis room and he stars bin sili. The End

Bad King Bad Dinosaur

By Louis, 3rd Grade, Skinner West Elementary

Once there was a king that had so much power that he could make the sun go up and down. One day a UFO abducted the king and the king crashed the ufo and forgot that he was in the ufo so he died as well and all the town was happy because the king was a very bad king and the town lived very peaceful for the next 10 days then a dinosaur destroyed the town.

The End and to be continued

Micheal Jordan’s House

By Gabe, 4th Grade, Peirce International School

Once upon a time I went to Micheal Jordan’s house just to look at it in front of the gate. When We got there we got out of the car and we all thought, WOW! It was huge, unbelievable, impeckible. So we walked closer and I herd a voice. It sounded like it a speaker. We got too close. It was security so we ran back to the car drove way as fast as we could
The End.

Dogs vs Court

By Abrielle, Markayla, Jennifer, Eriane, Marquette Park

Collin is at a press conference threatening to banish all non speaking dogs. Suzy Q says, “If I had a nickel for every dog that could talk I’d have 1 singular nickel. AKA there’s only 1 dog that talks and it’s Jerry.” Jerry also speaks up and says, “You’re just a comedian, you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Joey, an opposing politician says “We’ll use business with other countries.” Joey calls Supreme Puppy Palace Court to resolve this matter. The Puppy Court sends Collin to jail for ten years. Suzy Q is now the owner of Jerry and the White House! The End.

The Reign of Sophie

By Jaylah, Jonah, Reid, Alisa, Lincoln Park

Once upon a time there was a girl named Sophie in England, drinking sweet tea, visiting the Queen. This was her first time drinking tea and it was too sweet. And she accidentally spits it out on the queen’s corgi. The Queen is mad and kicks her out. The Queen banishes her from England so Sophie moves to America in Washington DC. And successfully becomes the 1st female president. They go to war with England, her former friend. She captures the Queen and makes England a part of the New United States of America. But it isn’t enough. Ashe’s become obsessed with power and goes to war with France. She wins that war. Little did Spohie know that the Queen had a secret child with the mayor of France, and they called him Richard Jmaes Charles III. They told him to tell everyone in America how wrong Sophie was. She tells everyone not to listen because if they do they’ll get thrown into jail like Richard James Charles III. But Richard escapes and duels Sophie for the fate of America. And Richard wins. Now England is not a part of America and neither is France. The End.

Karito & Dino Nuggie

By Ameria, Terrell, Mattea, Tatianna, Palmer Park

In Ancient times near the watering hole:
Kirito and Dino Nuggie were drinking water at the watering hole. The next day, Dino Nuggie woke up on the wrong side of the rock and was hoping Kirito wasn’t trying to have water. Sure enough, Kirito took his place at the watering hole next to Dino Nuggie which was quite the vibe. Dino Nuggie pushes Kirito away from the watering hole, so Kirito summons his man, Bill Bob Joe, to help win the battle. Kirito’s egg shell cracks, and becomes a dragon and eats Dino Nuggie. The watering hole was now available only for Kirito and Bill Bob Joe.nThe End.

The Little Girl in the Basement with the Monster

By Valerie, Naomi, Miles, Ava, Emilie, Leah, Charlize, Cammy, Max R., Max Z., Andre, Humboldt Park

Once there was a little girl named Ellie. She was seven. She liked the color pink. She was at her house in the basement. It was really creepy because there were skeletons and zombies! There was also a scary monster who ate people and zombies. She drew a picture of an owl because that’s what the monster looked like. She showed the picture to the monster and then flipped it around so no one else would get scared. The lights started to flicker and the monster started to chase her. She screamed! The lights turned off, and when they turned back on, the monster, skeletons and zombies were all gone!} The End.

The Evil Friends

By Zetta, Pranathi, Joe, Gael, Berger Park

David, the evil toaster was toasting just bread, but he burned him to a crisp, which made just bread ANGRY. So, just break uses his whole body to shove David into the bag of flour. David says no more fighting. Let’s be evil friends. Muahahaha! The End.

The Little Minion and his OJ and his Lemonade

By Enani, Tyler, Kali, Aaron, Charlie, Carter, Jordin, Ridge Park

The Little Minion is at the beach drinking lemonade and orange juice. Then he dropped his glass and it broke on the beach. Lion steps on glass and gets really mad. Little minion runs away to a martial arts class to learn how to fight. He meets fire dragon in the city on his way back. A fight breaks out, they go to the hospital, and realize how silly to fight when we could just be friends. And they lived happily ever after. The End.