Category: Support BOM

Ways to support Barrel of Monkeys

Young People Get It.

Posted by Corinne on November 11, 2016

Education Support BOM That's Weird Grandma

Our students are young, but they are not naïve. They know exactly what took place at the ballot box this week, and inside each of their brilliant minds are opinions and questions and hopes and fears about the future.

At Barrel of Monkeys, we work to provide our students with the tools and the confidence to express their ideas and share their stories. Sometimes, they write funny stories about monsters and aliens and attacking vegetables. Other times, they write beautiful testaments to the world as they experience it and their aspirations and dreams for a better future. All of their stories are important, and worth celebrating.

Today in this uncharted era, we offer the strongest words of hope we can find. Unsurprisingly, they come from a student.  Please enjoy.

Untitled [Peace Lives]
by Beth C.

Peace lives in my eyes
They allow me to see what
good and beautiful things
there are in the world
I see the leaves on the trees
I see the smiles on people’s faces
I see my friends laughing

My eyes allow me to see
the bad things in the world
I see people living on the streets
I see people fighting
I see people crying

Peace lives in my hands
My pencil hits the paper
I let out all my anger
I write how I feel
My hands allow me to feel
I can touch
I can create.